Blue Box Rosh Hashanah 2024 – Donate
ImagineBox is an interactive, fully immersive space for education, treating trauma, and building resilience.
ImagineBox is an interactive, fully immersive space for education, treating trauma, and building resilience.
September 2024 - Keynote Speaker: Eylon Levy
Click on your state to donate. Make a difference, [...]
Providing rehabilitation, therapy and treatment of trauma to the South of Israel
JNF was one of the first to respond with wide scale support. Realising over $5.2m from our Israel Emergency Response Campaign, we deployed 100% of these funds towards the urgent needs of over 24 communities and 15,000 devastated families.
Help us build a Diagnosis and Therapy Program for Kibbutz Nirim & Resilience Centre for Kibbutz Magen
Become an integral part of the Be’eri Forest's renewal. Your support is a commitment to the safety of Israel’s residents and the creation of a sustainable forest that will stand as a testament for generations to come.