Privacy Policy + Tax Deductibility
ABN 32 108 796 878
ABN 81 220 114 097
Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible
ABN 18 614 066 527
Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible
The Jewish National Fund of Australia Limited, The Jewish National Fund Environmental Association of Australia Inc. and The Jewish National Fund (Australia) Pty Limited (hereinafter referred to as JNF) are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s) of the Commonwealth Privacy Act of 1988.
JNF is a non-profit organisation for the purposes of APP 3.
This policy is provided to all staff and volunteers with access to the database and to members of the public on request.
Personal Information JNF May Hold
Personal information is information or an opinion about an individual from which the individual can be reasonably identified.
JNF collects and retains personal information from a variety of sources including:
- publicly available information
- directly from individuals
- volunteers who act as collectors/hosts/key-workers
- synagogues and communal organisations
JNF may hold the following personal information on individuals:
- Instructions received from the individual
- Name, address, contact details
- Donation, financial and function attendance history
- Domain name, trends, interests and JNF website activity
- Family, community and business linkages
- Congregation and organisational affiliations
- Commemoration dates – birth, bar/batmitzvah, wedding, yahrtzeit
To the extent that personal information collected by JNF constitutes sensitive information, JNF will only collect such information in accordance with the APPs, or otherwise with the individual’s consent to collect such information, unless the information is provided by a third party which has already sought and obtained the individual’s consent.
JNF collects personal information for the purposes of fundraising, marketing and website development. Failure to collect this information will prevent JNF from undertaking its primary role of fundraising for environmental and other projects in Israel and Australia. Where it is lawful and practicable to do so, JNF will offer you the option of interacting with JNF anonymously or by using a pseudonym. However, if you choose not to provide certain personal information this may also prevent JNF from undertaking its primary role.
Disclosure and Use of Personal Information for Fundraising by JNF
JNF approaches members of the community to donate to its annual appeal and, at other times, for support in relation to specific appeals and projects. JNF does not otherwise use personal information regarding donors or donations, without the prior consent of the individual or in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Certain levels of donations to JNF may be acknowledged at Dedication Sites and/or in publications either in Israel and/or Australia, by publishing the name, donation amount and the state or country in which the individual resides (but not other personal information). Should an individual not wish this practice to be applied, JNF will act in accordance with the individual’s wishes.
The JNF website may contain links to other organisations’ websites. JNF is not responsible for the privacy practices of those other organisations.
Opting Out
Individuals are given an opportunity to “opt out” of future mail-outs and appeals either by notifying JNF in writing (see contact details below), or by marking the appropriate block on JNF material that may be circulated from time-to-time.
If an individual elects to be removed from the database, such details will be removed immediately except where those details may be required for verification purposes by the Australian Taxation Office, in which case the record will be maintained in a secure area for a period of 5 years from the date of the last receipt issued and thereafter will be removed.
Administrative Issues
Information is used internally by JNF and may only be accessed by authorised professional staff and/or authorised volunteers. Authorised volunteers are only those who are specifically authorised by the Chief Executive or senior professional executive in each State. Authorised volunteers include Blue Box collectors, function hosts and committee members. Access is only provided on a need basis.
JNF may use a mailing house or consultants to process its mail-outs provided an agreement to respect the confidentiality, privacy and integrity of the information is accepted. JNF is not responsible for the privacy practices of those other organisations.
Personal information may be disclosed to third parties in jurisdictions outside of Australia, such as Israel.
Technology Issues
The security of personal information is of paramount importance to JNF and JNF takes reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds about individuals from misuse, loss, or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. The JNF website incorporates an online transaction facility where credit card details are stored on a secure server.
Transaction details are only used for reporting purposes and for updating personal details.
Data stored on JNF computers is password protected and accessed on a need to know basis.
If JNF transmits personal information over the internet, JNF will take reasonable steps to maintain the security of any personal information to prevent misuse and unauthorised access. Despite these protection mechanisms, individuals should be aware there are inherent risks associated with the transmission of data over the internet and JNF cannot guarantee any transmission will be completely secure.
JNF look at the number of hits the website receives and keep track of the domains from which this website is accessed. To determine what JNF’s users are interested in, JNF may also look at the top search words used in connecting you to this website.
The personal information JNF collect when you log onto this website, how JNF do it and what JNF do with it:
If you read or download information from JNF’s Internet Service Provider/Hosting Provider, JNF will record your server address, domain name, the date and time of your visit to JNF’s website, the pages viewed and the information downloaded. This information is used for statistical and website development purposes only.
JNF can also determine if you emailed any photos to a friend using JNF’s ’email a friend’ functionality. JNF may use the email addresses of these recipients for JNF’s own marketing purposes.
The information collected will be used to send you e-mails when content relevant to your areas of interest is added to the website. The information may also be used to inform you of any forthcoming event that might be of interest to you.
Internet Protocol Address:
JNF collect an IP address from all visitors to JNF’s website. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the internet. JNF use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with JNF’s server, administer JNF’s website, analyse trends, track users’ movements, gather broad demographic information for aggregate use in order for JNF to improve the website, and deliver customized, personalized content. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.
Use of “Cookies”:
JNF’s Site may use cookies to enhance your experience while using JNF’s website. Cookies are pieces of information that some websites transfer to the computer that is browsing that website and are used for record-keeping purposes at many websites. Use of cookies makes web-surfing easier by performing certain functions such as saving your passwords and personal preferences regarding your use of the particular website, and to make sure you don’t see the same ad repeatedly. Many consider the use of cookies to be an industry standard.
No attempt is made by JNF to use this information to personally identify you. In most cases JNF will not be able to reasonably identify an individual from the information collected. However, if cookie information is linked with personal information JNF holds about you as set out above, this cookie information becomes personal information and will be treated in the same manner as the personal information to which it has been linked.
Your browser is probably set to accept cookies. However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of JNF’s website will not function properly when you view them.
Individual Access to Personal Information
If an individual makes a written request for access to information (see contact details below), JNF may allow the person to inspect their personal records and take notes, or may make a hard copy available. An individual may also request JNF to update and/or correct personal information held about the individual (see contact details below). Such requests will be responded to if possible within 14 days.
JNF will not charge any fee for such an access request, but may charge an administrative fee for providing a copy of the personal information to the individual.
In order to protect personal information, an individual may be required to provide satisfactory proof of identity before JNF will allow inspection or release the requested information.
Individual Concerns/Further Information
If an individual believes there has been a breach of privacy he/she should contact the Chief Executive on Tel: (02) 9386 9559, Fax: (02) 9386 98289, e mail: A written confirmation of the complaint may be requested. Every endeavour will be made to deal with complaints expeditiously. An initial response from JNF will be provided within 21 days of the initial contact or written complaint, whichever is later.
The complainant must provide proof of identity.
JNF will remedy any errors in fact providing such corrections are provided in writing (contact details below).
If an individual still feels their complaint has not been addressed, they have rights under the Privacy Act to bring a complaint to the Australian Information Commissioner (Commissioner). The Commissioner may commence an investigation and may make a number of declarations, including that certain persons are entitled to an amount of compensation and that an entity must perform any reasonable act to redress any loss or damage.
Contact details
An individual may (a) opt out of receiving information and requests for donations from JNF or from having their personal information retained on the JNF database, (b) request access to, or correction of, their personal information, or (c) raise complaints regarding a breach of their privacy by:
- writing to JNF with their name and address details to :
The Chief Executive
JNF Australia
PO Box 646
- or via Tel: (02) 9386 9559, Fax: (02) 9386 98289
- or via Email: