Gabi Newman stepped up as the new Chairperson of the Australasian Zionist Youth Council (AZYC) – the Roof Body For Australia and New Zealand’s Zionist youth movements.
The AZYC has not had a complete/ working Board for a period of time. Gabi stepped into the leading role to reform the Board and professionalize the AZYC, to ensure the Movements can continue to deliver quality informal Jewish education and connection to 1000s of youth across Australia.
For many months Gabi single-handedly dealt with professional obligations of the Movements including Child Protection requirements, madrichim training, funding, recruitment and retention – in addition to writing a new overarching strategy and recruiting further quality Board Members.
Gabi has done all this while the AZYC has been without a working Executive Officer for 6 months. At the same time she is working full-time as a Materials Engineer, and pursuing a PHD at Monash University and Woodside Energy Technologies.
Gabi gives tirelessly of herself and does not settle for second best!